How Rishabhdev got the thirthankar name ?
Lord Rishabhdev has been the original administrator and first religious hero of human society. When 84 lakhs, three years and eight and a half months remained before the third saw, and when the last Kulkar Maharaj Nabhi felt himself unable to organize the clans and began to worry about the growing disparity of human clans, then the meritorious effects of virtuous beings And by the nature of time Lord Rishabhdev was born from the womb of Marudevi, the wife of Maharaj Navel. Theistic philosophies hold that the soul is a Trikal Sat, it was eternally before and will remain so in the future.
As he does in the previous birth, he gets the fruits of enjoyment. It is an innate law of nature that the present happiness, prosperity and developed condition is achieved only as a result of some past karma. Seeing the plants flourishing, we also estimate their sowing and irrigation. Similarly, behind the great-glorious post of Lord Rishabhdev, there have been his special practices.
When sadhna and karani are needed even for the attainment of simple meritorious deeds, then how can anyone easily attain the special meritorious nature like Trilok Pujya Tirthankar post? If a lot of penance, devotion and meditation is done for him, then he can be achieved somewhere. In the Jainagam Gnatadharma Katha, the worship of twenty such places has been considered necessary for earning the Tirthankara gotra, which is as follows.
1) Devotion to Arihant,
(2) devotion to Siddha,
(3) devotion to discourse,
(4) Guru,
(5) stable,
(6) learned and
(7) Devotional service to the ascetic monk,
(8) To be used in continuous knowledge,
(9) To observe impeccable equanimity,
(10) Courting the virtuous,
(11) Conspiracy by law,
(12) Impeccable observance of modesty and vows,
(13) To increase disinterest
(14) Strong penance and renunciation,
(15) Creating Samadhi to the Chaturvidha Sangha,
(16) Serving the fasts,
(17) Practice of ignorance,
(18) Having faith in the words of Vitarag,
(19) Giving deserving charity and
(20) To influence Jin's rule.
It is not necessary for everyone to worship only twenty words, some achieve the qualification of becoming a Tirthankara even by the excellent meditation of one or two words and the highness of the efforts. In the Mahapurana, worship of sixteen reasoned emotions has been said to be necessary to become a Tirthankara. In them philosophy-purification, modesty-prosperity have been given priority, while in the Gnatadharma Katha, modesty is before Arhadbhakti etc.
There are no words of siddha, sthavir and ascetic in them, all of them are contained in Shodsha-Karaan feelings. Therefore, despite the difference in number, there is no difference in the original item.
In which life Lord Rishabhdev worshiped these words and earned the Tirthankar gotra karma, to understand this it is necessary to know about his previous births, which are as follows:- Lord Rishabhdev's previous births and practices
Lord Rishabhdev's soul was once born in the form of a Sarthavaha named Dhanna in the famous city of Mahavideh. He had immense wealth, his business ran in faraway countries. Once he made this announcement - "Whoever wants to go abroad for earning, he should go with me. I will give him all kinds of facilities." Hearing this announcement, hundreds of people started with him for business. Acharya Dharmaghosh also had to go to Vasantpur. He got comfortable to cross the uninhabited ATV.
Considered this coincidence favorable and joined Dhanna Seth along with his disciples. Appreciating his fortune, Seth ordered the followers to take full care of Acharya's food. Acharya told that the shramans are prohibited to eat half-work and purposeful etc. defective food made for themselves. At the same time a follower brought mangoes.When Seth prayed to Acharya to accept mango fruit, it came to know that green things like fruits, flowers etc. are also unacceptable for Shramans. Hearing this 1) super harsh behavior of Shramans, Seth's heart was filled with devotion and his head became devoted.
Along with Sarthavaha, Acharya was also moving ahead crossing the path. After that the time of rain came and it started raining heavily. Sarthwah, seeing the unfavorable condition of mud and water on the way due to rain, decided to spend the rainy season at a safe place in the forest itself. Acharya Dharmaghosh also stayed there at another innocent place.
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